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Calculation of heat transfer capacity of heat sink

The heat transfer principle of finned tube is the heat exchanger composed of ordinary round tube (smooth tube). In many cases, the heat transfer coefficient of fluid outside the tube is different from that of the fluid inside the tube. The so-called heat transfer coefficient refers to the heat transfer amount per unit heat exchange area and unit temperature difference (temperature difference between fluid and wall), which represents the heat transfer capacity between fluid and wall. For example:

The heat transfer coefficient of water condensation on the wall is 10000-20000 w / (m2. ℃)

The heat transfer coefficient of water boiling on the wall is 5000-10000------

The heat transfer coefficient of water flowing through the wall is about 2000-10000------

The heat transfer coefficient of air or flue gas passing through the wall is 20 --- 80 ------

The heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is only 5-10-------

Therefore, the difference of heat transfer capacity between fluid and wall is very big.

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